Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Untraditional Bridal Entrance Songs

Unique Bridal Entrance Songs

Want to walk down the aisle to something a little different? Here are some beautiful and romantic songs to make the most important walk of your life perfect in every way!

Jennifer Lawrence Bridal Style

Oh my gosh I literally adore Jennifer Lawrence! She is such a radiant woman and I love her personality! She really killed it this awards season and on Sunday, her Dior Haute Couture gown was the sheer perfection! It got me thinking that this could be a stunning wedding gown it has amazing detail and the drop waist with the full skirt is so perfect for a wedding!

Classic Elegance

Monday, February 25, 2013

Aquarium Wedding

Talk about a different kind of wedding! Mixing traditional romance with a very unconventional and stunning venue makes for an unforgettable wedding!

Welcome to my wedding blog!

Hi guys! Welcome to my wedding blog! My name is Melissa and I am a self-professed wedding nut! I love everything about weddings/events and hope that through this blog I can share my passion and knowledge with all of you!

I’m not sure what it was that sparked my love and passion of weddings. Every time I run into a bride and groom taking pictures, my heart skips a beat and I am filled with excitement! For the past 4 years it has been my goal to one day open my own wedding designing business. Every day I find myself researching and admiring different Web sites about weddings. I admit that I definitely am obsessed but I’m a strong believer that if you follow your passion then success will follow you. I am really excited to start this blog about weddings and write about what I love most!